Legal Notice

1. Premise

The website (the Website) has been designed by ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering, in the person of PhD Giulio Fait, in order to provide a Customerization platform for the Users and to sell fishing goods.

This page contains the Legal Notes that regulate the Website use.

This document should be modified at any time without notice. Therefore the User is invited to regularly check for the latest version, available and permanently accessible from every Website’s page, clicking on the link Legal Notes.

2. The User

The User affirm to have the necessary skills and access means to use the Website

The User declare to have carefully read this and the following Legal Notice and undertake to respect the Terms and Conditions reported on the Website.

3. Hypertext Links

Any hypertext link for is prohibited without the written authorization of the latter. Armatek Custom Lures Engineering do not authorize this type of link and disclaims any liability for information present within these website, their content and any relationship with Armatek Custom Lures Engineering. Armatek Custom Lures Engineering cannot be considered liable for any case that might arise between the technological partners and a user. Technological partners are consulted only to observe the rules that apply in the context of the services offered to users/customers and, in particular, for the laws and regulations about e-commerce, consumer protection, privacy policy, false or misleading advertising, price and conformity of the product.

4. Copyright

Visualization, download and any use of data published on the Website entails the acceptance of the present legal notice.

The Website content (text, logos, icons, images, graphical elaborations, data bases, etc.) are exclusive property of Armatek Custom Lures Engineering. They are protected by Italian and international copyright.

The use of protected terms, illustrations and products as well as the complete or partial, similar or identical production of the Website content is only allowed with the express authorization of Armatek Custom Lures Engineering. This applies to all products and types of use, in both physical and digital form. It is irrespective here whether this is undertaken for own use of for the use of third parties or in the scope of any other publication or documentation. The import and/or export as well as the sale of such unauthorized products are also not allowed.

For the protection of its intellectual property Armatek Custom Lures Engineering is obliged to legally pursue and prevent all unauthorized use. The infringement of industrial property rights and copyrights not only results in civil law consequences but also constitutes a criminal offence.

5. Website use & Download

ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering constantly strives to ensure the Website’s information quality, integrity, update, completeness, timeliness, ease of consultation and accessibility.

Please report any error or malfunction found on the Website to:

Under no circumsances Armatek Custom Lures Engineering may be held liable for damages of any nature, directly or indirectly caused by the Website access, by the failure or inability to access it. Armatek Custom Lures Engineering, cannot be held responsible in any way for connectivity services used by the Users to access the Website. All the downloadable documents present on the Website, e.i. the Armatek Catalog and the Designer Sheets, unless otherwise indicated, are given for free; otherwise, a warning is produced as a premise in the use of the same.  

6. Trademarks

The logo Armatek Custom Lures Engineering is a registered trademark.

Trademarks and business designations may also be -or become- protected independently of registration for Armatek Custom Lures Engineering solely via use in commerce.

Other mentioned names, logos, products, services or companies, should be registered trademarks of their respective owners. They are protected by national and international law.

7. Warnings

The information content of the Website may be subjected to technical and chromatic inaccuracy, omissions or typographical errors. The available documentation, the directly or indirectly linked documents included, the core elements and graphics are given “as is”, without any warranty for faults and/or defects which can impair or limit the utilization.

Armatek Custom Lures Engineering reserves the rights to modify, without notice and at any time, legal notice, method of use, services, products and/or programs present on the Website.

8. External link access

External links, present on the Website, are provided as a service to users, excluding any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the indicated links. 

The indication of the links does not imply by ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering any appropriation or sharing of responsibility in relation to the legality , completeness and correctness of the information set forth therein .

9. Social Media

ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering uses social media for communication purposes, to increase transparency and the knowledge of its activities: informing, communicating, listening and publishes informative content.

The content includes photographs, videos, press releases, service information, information on the activities of the Company as well as opportunities for involvement and participation of Users.

Through its own social channels, ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering can share and re-launch content and public interest messages and utilities posted by other users.

ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering’s social channels are constantly and systematically monitored.

ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering is committed to managing spaces of communication and dialogue within its own profiles in different social media asking its members to comply with some simple rules:

  1. Everyone is asked to state his opinion in a fair, measured and compared way.
  2. In social media everyone is responsible for the published content and the opinions it expresses. However, insults, profanity, offenses, threats and, in general, violent behavior or defamatory will not be tolerated.
  3. The published content must always respect the privacy of individuals. References to facts or details that adversely affect the personal sphere of third parties should be avoided.
  4. The interest of the topics of the activities of ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering Customers is an essential requirement : it is not possible in any way to use these spaces for other purposes by the disclosure of their fishing experiences and/or customerization of ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering products.
  5. Each thread is tied to a specific theme: all participants are required to respect it, avoiding to broaden the comparison generically and indiscriminately .
  6. Any form of advertising, spam or promotion of private interests or illegal activities will not be tolerated.
  7. Contents that infringe copyright or unauthorized use of registered trademarks are not allowed.

In any case , where the social media allows it, ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering will remove all posts, comments, or audio/video materials that:


  • have inappropriate language and/or a threatening, violent, vulgar or disrespectful tone;
  • contain illegal content or incitement to illegal activities;
  • have offensive, misleading , alarmist contents, or in violation of third party rights;
  • disseminate data and personal information or that may result in harm or damage the reputation of others;
  • present content to obscene or likely to offend the sensitivity of Users;
  • have a discriminatory content for gender, race, ethnicity, language, religion, political views, sexual orientation, age, personal and social conditions;
  • promote or support illegal activities, which violate the copyright or do use improperly registered trademark.


For those who will repeatedly violate these conditions, or those contained in the policy instruments adopted, ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering reserves the right to use the ban or block (when possible after a first warning) to prevent further action, and to report the user those responsible for the platform and possibly to the Police.


In the following, the official profiles ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering on social media are indicated:



Any other accounts related to ARMATEK Custom Lures Engineering are not managed by it.